

Case Study — solving tendonitis

Many cyclists have experienced knee issues in one form or another. I can remember having bouts of tendonitis where riding was out of the question for extended periods. The high volume of miles, hours and pedal revs will wildly magnify any imperfections or alignment issues in the pedal stroke causing inflammation and irritation in the …


2014 Tour de France Stage 14

This is a test


The Benefits Of Resting

Ever since my race in Mexico I have been struggling to get things going again. I was a little sick going into the race and then really sick coming out of it, some kind of mucous-cold thing or maybe allergies, I don’t know. So after the race I took a week relatively easy to let my …


Racing and Training Nutrition

I was out riding with one of my clients recently on a long-ish ride. We were both pulling out our food items and I noticed he had home made banana bread and I had a sweet/salty granola bar. Believe it or not, I was happy to see that he was eating something other than traditional …


Avoid Overtraining at the Beginning of the Race Season

The days are getting longer, and the weather is getting warmer. That also means that for most cyclists, race season is drawing closer. After months of being confined to basement trainer sessions, the sunshine can tempt many riders to quickly increase their training level. Some may also have slacked off during the winter months and …